The implications of art in children's education have been studied by specialists who concluded that, by means of art, children:
•Practice and gain fine motor skills and strengthen eye-hand coordination. By using all sorts of tools and instruments in order to create visual arts works, children gain the skills necessary for later writing activities as well as a feeling of self-control. By dancing, they develop a good body posture and attitude.
•Develops perception and representations.
•They develop critical thinking by making choices, analyzing and solving problems.
•Become aware that there are multiple perspectives for everything as they share with other kids differing points of view and ways of expression.
•Learn to control their emotions and gain the capacity to express and handle negative or happy feelings through positive action, visual arts, role-play, dancing and body movement.
•Experience success and gain trust in themselves. Art leaves is subjective and at the creator’s will, all children, regardless of their physical or mental need, experience a certain measure of success.
• Make connections between art elements, especially visual arts and other disciplines: Economics, Science, Mathematics, Language, Literature, Social skills. Art integrates curriculum.
By this project, we aim to achieve the following OBJECTIVES:
- to develop children's creativity, aesthetic sensibility and interest in cultural activities, their social and emotional skills, communication skills, problem-solving skills;
- to improve the partners’ institutional ability to involve kids in artistic activities, by jointly identifying innovative methods of teaching and practicing arts, but also to get the local community and cultural organizations involved in the school activities;
- to experiment best practices from different educational systems and to introduce new approaches of organizing the educational process;
- to develop the teachers’ ability to have a more creative approach in their teaching activities by integrating art elements and digital tools;
- to disseminate the results and share the best practices experienced to the school institutions and communities.
Arts occupy an important place in the pre-school curriculum, however the methodology used differs from one school to another and from country to country. By this project, we aim at identifying techniques, methods, and best practice approaches that all the partner institutions can apply successfully. Particularly important in our project is to stimulate European cohesion between children, teachers and communities. The project implementation will lead to the achievement of the goals of the European strategies for contemporary education. This couldn’t be achieved by just by one school, even a country. Only through cooperation of educational institutions with different systems of education, and the contribution of each school through sharing expertise and generating of new ideas respectively leads to innovation in education.